Pick my battles!

So, today as my 17 year old son and I were eating breakfast this morning, I heard him smacking. That is one of my many pet peeves. I really dislike when people smack their food! As I was turning my head around to fuss at my son for smacking his food, I paused for a moment. Today I just posted a quote regarding the importance of being silent. After taking a moment for silence I realized this wasn’t a battle that I wanted to fight today. I know you maybe wondering why? Well there are a couple of reasons. I initially thought about all the mothers who have lost their sons. All the funerals that I have attended with mothers crying out and weeping, and here I was worrying about him smacking. Nope today he got a pass. Plus, I had to realize that not only is he a senior in high school, but he will be 18 in 4 months. I say all this to say if he hasn’t learned not to smack his food by now then its a loss cause. Shrugs shoulders it could be worse! Shout out to the moment of silence.

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