New career plans


I know some of you of are not even thinking about the upcoming new year. I on the other hand have already been thinking about my goals for 2016. Yes, I know I don’t have to wait until 2016 to begin working on new goals. Heck you and I can start today. But for me I have always set goals and completed my vision board for the new year. It works for me, and it helps remind me why I’m doing some of the things I’m doing. For instance, I have been applying and interviewing for a new job. Or should I say a second job. I plan on keeping my job as a contract therapist, and adding an additional job. Some people are curious to way I am doing this, and why I would want to work this hard. Well simply put, my goals for 2016 are much bigger than what my 2015 budget can even imagine. Plus, I’m at a place where living paycheck to paycheck is not cute or okay for me and my family.

One of the many bonuses of having a job already and steady income, is the fact that I don’t just have to accept the first job offer that comes my way. Matter of fact I have turned down 3 job offers all for different reasons. But there was a time in my life when that would have never been an option. I had to realize my worth. I had to realize and remind myself what I went to school for and why! (Okay back to the topic at hand )!!!😆

So, I say all of this to say I have consistently said that I wanted to start paying off the debt that I owe. Laughing at myself as I look at the unnecessary items that I bought this week. I have talked about it, but have done nothing to actually start paying off my debt. Sure I can make the excuse that I don’t have the extra money, but the truth of the matter is the money I spend on snacks, eating out, and unnecessary clothes, I could have paid on one of my bills. I keep talking about owning my own home which has been one of my dreams since I was in high school. But what am I doing to actually become a homeowner? Nothing at this point! I have made up my mind that I will start paying off my debt, and putting money back for my own home. To do this in a comfortable manner for me and my family I will need to add additional income.

I am in a  season in my life were change is necessary for my soul. God is telling me that I need to enlarge my territory, because there is something he wants to get to me. He also needs me to bless others, and reach them in a different way. Hence my new career plans!

I will discuss my 2016 goals/visions in another blog post.

Blessings and L.I.G.H.T!

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